Cisco Premier

Sarvicus has been a Cisco Select partner for the past several years.  As our customer base and requirements have changed, Sarvicus has worked to achieve Cisco Premier status.  This will provide more offering and support for our valued customers.  

Cisco Premier

Sarvicus has been a Cisco Select partner for the past several years. As our customer base and requirements have changed, Sarvicus has worked to achieve Cisco Premier status. This will provide more offering and support for our valued customers.

VEX Worlds Robotic Championship

Westbury Christian High Schools Vex Team was invited to compete at the VEX Worlds Robotic Championship in Dallas, TX.  There were over 800 High School teams spread across 10 divisions (10 separate areas with 3 fields each).  Sarvicus was proud to sponsor the team and...

Investor Interest

During the holidays last year, Sarvicus through a student club at a local school helped sponsor a family.  We are thankful that this made such a positive impact on the family and those involved.

Small Gifts make Huge Impacts

During the holidays last year, Sarvicus through a student club at a local school helped sponsor a family. We are thankful that this made such a positive impact on the family and those involved.

Business Continuity and COVID-19

by | Mar 11, 2020 | Announcements

As COVID-19 continues to spread, Sarvicus continues to monitor the information provided by federal and local governments.  We monitor the situation every day and adjust accordingly based on the information that is provided. The safety of our employees is essential and we take guidance from our customers as the situation changes.

Many of our customers have instituted short term and on-going business continuity plans. Sarvicus’ business model is adapted to accommodate the changes that our customers and our organization are facing.  For work that is not required on-site, Sarvicus is already operating with remote protocols that ensure our business operations are not impacted.

For specific questions, please contact:

Toll Free:    855-489-5380
Telephone:    713-489-5380

Be safe, be smart and do your part!

Marc Packard
CEO, Sarvicus, LLC
<CDC Information on Coronavirus 2019>